Sermons by Bruce Pratt (Page 5)

Choose Life

Sermon text: Psalm 139:13-16 The debate over the beginning and end of life continues to rage. Abortion has ended the lives of millions of innocent children before they could even breathe their first breath. Assisted suicide is gaining momentum and becoming law in some states in the United States. What has been called a “culture of death” is casting its long shadow across what are considered civilized nations. But God’s people are called to protect life regardless of the morals…

Celebrate Today

Sermon text: Psalm 118:24 Every day is a gift of God. This is true whether you actually believe in Him or not. But for those who have a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, each day has a greater impact. That’s because we have the opportunity to worship and serve our Lord. This reality should cause us to celebrate every single day.

The Year Ahead

Sermon text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Every one of us has been given a mission by God. In order to be all that God intends for us to be, we must rid ourselves of any distractions and sins which hold us back. We have the example of those who’ve gone before us to encourage us. But our greatest example is without a doubt Jesus Himself. We need to keep our eyes solidly on Him so that we don’t become discouraged.

How to be Rich!

Sermon text: 1 Timothy 6:17-19 Success has always attracted people’s attention. Our society lauds and envies those who have risen from modest means to great heights. But the real risk is for those who have attained success to rely on their possessions and positions for their future. Paul called out this misplaced trust when he wrote to Timothy. Riches are fleeting. A fortune can vaporize in no time at all. On the other hand, God is unchanging. Trust in Him…

Peace on Earth

Sermon text: Luke 2:14 When they appeared to the shepherds the night of Jesus’ birth, the angels glorified God. They declared, “And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” People in the western world have gravitated to these words for years at Christmas. But what were the angels really saying that night in Bethlehem? To be sure, it has much more importance than just good feelings.

The Coming King

Sermon text: Isaiah 11:1-5 The kingdom of Judah was in a desperate situation. The nation was being threatened with attack by its closest neighbors. The king looked to Assyria, the superpower of the time, for assistance. But the Assyrians could not really be trusted. Into this dire time came the prophet Isaiah. God sent him to the king with a strong message: trust God, not kings. But within this message are three prophecies that looked far beyond the international crisis…

Straight Talk From Jesus

Sermon text: John 10:22-30 Jesus was challenged again during the Hanukkah celebration the winter before His crucifixion. The Jewish people at the temple wanted Him to tell them plainly if He was the Messiah. He had given them abundant confirmation of this in many ways. He had taught them with authority. He had performed many, many miracles. Yet they were not convinced. Their lack of faith stood in the way of them seeing Jesus for who He was. They also…

Daily Praise

Sermon text: Psalm 95:1-11 We do all sort of activities every single day. What about praising God? Not thanking Him, though we certainly deserves that too. After all, He is the One who made everything and blesses us beyond measure. Praise is different, though. Praise is recognizing God for who He is. Praise replays His great works and His amazing attributes.

The Boldness of Faith

Sermon text: Acts 4:1-22 After Peter and John healed a crippled man outside the temple in Jerusalem, they were arrested. But the arrest wasn’t because of their merciful action. No, the authorities took them in to custody because of Peter’s sermon immediately following the miracle. Peter dared to preach about Jesus and His resurrection. The authorities couldn’t have Jesus’ followers preaching about the resurrection. But Peter and John would not be silenced. They had a message that needed to get…


Sermon text: Luke 23:32-49 Crucifixion was one of the most horrific forms of punishment ever devised by mankind. The treatment Jesus received prior to His crucifixion was brutal and sadistic. Taken together, Jesus suffered the worst death imaginable. He was mocked and jeered by the Jewish leaders, the Roman soldiers, the crowd, and even the criminals hanging beside Him. Yet He endured all of this to save us from our sin.