"Jesus" Tagged Sermons (Page 8)
Our Guide for Life (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
The apostle Paul makes it clear that the Scriptures are given to us by God. In fact, Paul explains that they are literally “God breathed.” While written by over 40 human authors, it was the Holy Spirit who inspired each of them. The result is a cohesive message which is without error in its original manuscripts. Because of this we can rely on Scripture as our guide for life. Paul explains in the focal verses that Scripture has many practical…
Final Instructions (Revelation 22:6-21)
As the writing of the Word of God comes to a close, we find four final statements by Jesus in Revelation 22. These four statements make it clear that Jesus intends to return soon. In fact, He declares His imminent return three times in this section of Scripture. In the meantime, He expects those who are His followers to be on the lookout and telling others about Him.
What God Says at Christmas (Luke 2:1-18)
As the events of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem unfold, we see God’s hand in everything happening. Pastor Bruce retells the account, stopping along the way to point out aspects of God’s love and grace. From the journey Mary and Joseph make to Bethlehem to the triumphal announcement of the angels, we see that God has much to say to us.
God Makes It Personal (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
God made a covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai, but they couldn’t keep it. God knew they would not be able to obey and honor Him. No one can do this in our initial sinful condition. But God had a new covenant in mind from before time began. This new covenant would bring Him into our very hearts and minds. And the One who would initiate this new covenant was Jesus Christ. As we consider Jesus’ birth, we see Emmanuel,…
How to Be Thankful (Hebrews 13:15-16)
As the writer of Hebrews begins to wrap up his letter, he encourages his readers to be thankful. He urges those who have received salvation through Jesus Christ to be persistent in offering the sacrifice of praise. But this praise should not be silent. We must let others know of our thankfulness for His great grace. And while our praise should be persistent and public, it must also be practical. This means that our thankfulness should extend to telling and…
Loving Others (Philippians 2:3-5)
Pastor Chuck challenges believers to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who was the ultimate servant. Christians should strive to keep others, saved and unsaved alike, close in our hearts and minds. We should be like Jesus, putting others and their interests ahead of our own. The epitome of loving and caring for others is telling them about Jesus Christ and what He did for all of us on the cross.
Full Assurance (Hebrews 10:19-25)
Ryan Joseph describes the powerful connection between having full assurance of salvation and being on mission for Christ. Those who trust Jesus as the Lord and Savior have access to His holiness and hope for the future. We can draw near to Him without fear of rejection or condemnation. The boldness with which we can approach Jesus should translate into boldness in telling others about Him.
Drink Deeply (John 7:37-39)
Jesus came to the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem to declare Himself as the Messiah. The people were in bondage to the religious system and dying of spiritual thirst. Jesus told them to come to Him and drink. Not only would their thirst be satisfied, He promised that His living water would flow from them. Jesus’ promise of salvation and the filling of the Holy Spirit are as valid today as that day in Jerusalem. So many in our culture…
Thriving Through the Storm (Matthew 14:22-33)
Matthew’s account of Jesus walking on the water provides valuable lessons to us when we are caught in the storms of life. Pastor Bruce breaks down this passage, encouraging believers to not just survive our trials but to thrive through them.
Make Today Count (Ephesians 5:15-17)
Accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord turns you from a child of darkness into a child of the light. Paul makes it clear in the focal text that children of the light must use the time we have wisely and accurately.