"judgment" Tagged Sermons
Our Two-Minute Warning
Sermon text: Romans 13:11-14 Jesus could return anytime. Believers generally understand this and even accept it as truth. But what are we actually doing about it? God in His great mercy has held back His judgment so that more people can accept His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ. But to a large extent the church is using this grace period for anything but being about the Lord’s business. Time is short. We must act now.
Current Events (Romans 1:18-32)
God’s wrath is a part of his righteousness. If God did not punish sin, then He would not be truly righteous. The latter part of the first chapter of Romans describes to whom and why this wrath must be applied. And even though these words were written almost 2000 years ago, the actions they describe are as fresh as tonight’s evening news.

What’s Next (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
It’s easy to become concerned about the future. We see this world becoming increasingly more violent and hate-filled. Actions and attitudes that would have shocked most people a generation ago are now accepted and even commonplace. This decline in our society has caused many to wonder what’s coming next. They ask, “Can the end be far off?” The apostle Paul answers that question in 2 Thessalonians. He also gives encouragement to believers in his time and ours.