"parable" Tagged Sermons

The Master’s Business

Sermon text: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus’ parable of the talents challenges believers to use our resources for God’s glory now, while we have opportunity. We don’t know when Jesus will return. It could be today. We need to make sure we’re making the most of all that Lord has blessed us with to reach and impact others. The parable also makes it clear that an unwillingness to do this indicates that someone is not a follower of Christ.

The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son is one of His most loved stories. But Jesus makes it clear from the outset that it is the tale of two sons. The younger son takes his inheritance and squanders it. But what about the older son? There is much to learn from the experiences and conduct of both.

Downpayment on Eternity (Luke 16:1-13)

Jesus taught a lot about money. His parable of the unjust steward is tough for some to deal with. Is Jesus commending someone who is dishonest? No, He would never do that. Jesus uses this parable to explain the importance of recognizing the usefulness of money and possessions in furthering His kingdom.