"prayer" Tagged Sermons
Sowing and Reaping: Another Look
Sermon text: Galatians 6:7-9 We’re told to not grow weary in doing good. Why? We are promised to reap a harvest if we don’t get frustrated and give up. The thing is, sometimes the pathway to the harvest can get rough. Setbacks come and we can begin to question the strategy. This can cause us to try to take things into our own hands. And that’s when the whole sowing and reaping dynamic can get muddied.
When Times Get Tough
Sermon text: James 1:2-8 We all go through trials in life. It’s just part of being human. What’s different for the believer is how we respond to those difficult situations. James tells us that we should meet obstacles with joy. We don’t need to be thrilled about the struggle. But we should see every setback we encounter as an opportunity for growth in our faith walk.
Finishing Well (1 Peter 4:7-11)
Time is short. Jesus could return tomorrow. If not, we’re still not guaranteed tomorrow. But what if you live another fifty years? Time is still short from an eternal standpoint. We need to be tuned into God’s priorities. We need to align our prayers with His kingdom. And then we need to pour our lives into others.
Prayer First (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
In order to be in tune with God’s will, believers need to pray. It’s really that simple. But prayer isn’t simple. It’s more than just something to do at mealtime or before bed. It needs to be kingdom focused. That’s what Paul describes in today’s text. Christians need to pray for others, but especially for our leaders. And the goal of our prayers is to see those we pray for come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
An Encouragement (Philippians 4:4-9)
Life can be tough, whether there’s a pandemic or not. If you’re struggling, you can find peace and keep that peace in your life. Paul’s concluding remarks to the church at Philippi are an encouragement to anyone who needs that peace.
The Way to Pray (Matthew 6:9-13)
Almost everyone has heard of the Lord’s Prayer, and many can recite it. The thing is, it’s really more of a model. In these trying days of COVID-19 a lot of people are praying. But do their prayers line up with the pattern Jesus taught?