"sin" Tagged Sermons
Real Freedom
Sermon text: John 8:31-36 We talk about freedom a lot. But man’s idea of freedom pales in comparison with the true freedom that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Humanity is in the throes of slavery to sin. Unfortunately, people cannot see this reality apart from the truth of God’s word.
Things We (Should) Know
Sermon text: 1 John 5:18-20 At the very end of his first epistle, the aged apostle John lists some basic truths. He prefaces each with the phrase “we know.” These facts relate to how sin affects believers, the difference between those how follow Christ and those who don’t, and how we have been given spiritual understanding. Internalizing these can help us to better deal with the world around us and put our reliance on Jesus.
The Year Ahead
Sermon text: Hebrews 12:1-3 Every one of us has been given a mission by God. In order to be all that God intends for us to be, we must rid ourselves of any distractions and sins which hold us back. We have the example of those who’ve gone before us to encourage us. But our greatest example is without a doubt Jesus Himself. We need to keep our eyes solidly on Him so that we don’t become discouraged.
Where It All Started
Sermon text: Genesis 3:1-24 Mankind’s history with sin began in the garden of Eden. Everything God created was good, including Adam and Eve. They had the best of everything. God had set them up in paradise. But the serpent convinced Eve that God was holding out on her and her husband. She fell for his scheme and disobeyed God. Adam, though, was not deceived. He simply succumbed to temptation and rebelled as well.
Dealing with Sin
Sermon text: Psalm 32 Salvation opens up the avenue to a relationship with the Lord. Sin sullies that relationship and brings the believer grief and sorrow. When sin goes unconfessed, it builds up and makes confession increasingly difficult. But God is gracious to forgive us of our sin when we come to Him in humility.
Proper Expectations
Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 Paul had a lot to deal with when it came to the church in Corinth. One particularly onerous situation involved an incestuous relationship within the fellowship. What made matters worse was that the church leadership was accepting of this sin in their midst. Paul had told them earlier that they could not fellowship with these types of people. But the Corinthian Christians didn’t get it. They though he meant to not befriend people caught up…
Current Events (Romans 1:18-32)
God’s wrath is a part of his righteousness. If God did not punish sin, then He would not be truly righteous. The latter part of the first chapter of Romans describes to whom and why this wrath must be applied. And even though these words were written almost 2000 years ago, the actions they describe are as fresh as tonight’s evening news.
Crabgrass in the Lawn of Life
Sin can destroy every aspect of your life. But Jesus’ finished work on the cross is greater than the power of sin. He is able save you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. But you have to ask Him.
The Greatest Sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Jesus never sinned, even once. Yet He willingly took our place to pay for our sins. All of them. This one great act by Jesus allows those who trust Him as Lord to be deemed righteous by God the Father.

God’s Go-Live Date (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
God planned before time began to send Jesus to save the world from sin. The Old Testament both shows how far into sin mankind can go. But it also is chock full of prophecies concerning the coming Messiah. Pastor Bruce gives a brief review of God’s dealings with humanity through the Old Testament and why Jesus had to come to save us.
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