"value" Tagged Sermons
Choose Life
Sermon text: Psalm 139:13-16 The debate over the beginning and end of life continues to rage. Abortion has ended the lives of millions of innocent children before they could even breathe their first breath. Assisted suicide is gaining momentum and becoming law in some states in the United States. What has been called a “culture of death” is casting its long shadow across what are considered civilized nations. But God’s people are called to protect life regardless of the morals…

Words of Worth (Ephesians 4:29)
So much of what we hear and read these days is harsh and confrontational. With all of our technology these words are getting to us faster and in more ways than ever. Scripture makes it clear that what we say and write should be uplifting, not damaging. Pastor Bruce discusses how our words should pass the quality test and the value test. The quality test gauges whether our words are corrupt or not. The value test ascertains whether what we…