Sermons on Faith (Page 6)

Enjoying Jesus (1 Timothy 6:6)
We enjoy so many blessings in this life. But do you enjoy Jesus? It’s sort of a weird question. But the focal verse for this sermon tells us that godliness with contentment is great gain. If you’re a follower of Jesus, godliness should describe your life. And contentment simply means you find satisfaction in living that godly life. Do you find contentment in Jesus?

The Bible is Not Fake News (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Pastor Chuck shares why we can depend on the SCriptures for every part of our lives.

God’s Indescribable Gift
God gave us the greatest and most wonderful gift. His name is Jesus.

Why Am I Here? (Ephesians 2:10)
When Jesus saves someone, that’s not the end of the story. It’s actually just the beginning. Before time began God had a plan for every one of us. When we’re saved, we can begin to put that plan into action. We belong to God. We’re saved for His purposes. Everything we do should lead back to this reality.

The Approaching Deadline (1 Corinthians 7:39-41)
The apostle Paul makes it clear that Jesus can return anytime. This imminence should keep us focused on the work at hand. We cannot allow work or family or pursuits keep us from our mission. Often situations can derail us. Good times make us complacent, while bad periods distract us. Whatever the case, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and His commands.

Making the Most of Grace (Titus 2:11-14)
God pours out His grace on all of mankind each and every day. This is known as God’s common grace. But to make the most of God’s grace you must first accept His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ. That’s when you begin to experience God’s special grace. Then you will be able to live a life yielded to God, anticipating Jesus’ return, and passionate about God’s program.

Souls for Sale
Pastor Chuck explains why it is so important to give your life to Jesus Christ. It’s not just about where you’ll spend eternity. You also have an eternal mission on earth to complete.

Final Instructions (Revelation 22:6-21)
As the writing of the Word of God comes to a close, we find four final statements by Jesus in Revelation 22. These four statements make it clear that Jesus intends to return soon. In fact, He declares His imminent return three times in this section of Scripture. In the meantime, He expects those who are His followers to be on the lookout and telling others about Him.

What God Says at Christmas (Luke 2:1-18)
As the events of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem unfold, we see God’s hand in everything happening. Pastor Bruce retells the account, stopping along the way to point out aspects of God’s love and grace. From the journey Mary and Joseph make to Bethlehem to the triumphal announcement of the angels, we see that God has much to say to us.

God Makes It Personal (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
God made a covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai, but they couldn’t keep it. God knew they would not be able to obey and honor Him. No one can do this in our initial sinful condition. But God had a new covenant in mind from before time began. This new covenant would bring Him into our very hearts and minds. And the One who would initiate this new covenant was Jesus Christ. As we consider Jesus’ birth, we see Emmanuel,…