Sermons on Lordship (Page 2)

Rock Always Wins

Sermon text: Matthew 7:21-27 One of the first songs kids learn in church is “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man.” They discover that building a house on the rock is wise, while a house built on sand will not withstand the storms. This fun song is based the final section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. He explains as He completes His sermon that a life built on a relationship with Him will weather the storms of life.

Expect Correction

Sermon text: Proverbs 3:11-12 If you have trusted as your Savior and your Lord, you belong to God. And if you belong to God, He is going to correct you. It could a be a minor course adjustment or a major redirection, depending on the dynamics of your relationship with Him. And He will use whatever He needs to make the correction. Often God instructs through circumstances. But He also uses prayer, His word, and other people to get the…

High-Octane Grace

God gives His grace to everyone. Whether someone worships God or curses Him, they benefit from God’s grace in their life. This is known as God’s common grace. We all receive this from God innumerable times a day. The air we breathe, the sunshine, what we eat, our families, our jobs, and everything else good is a product of God’s common grace. But there is another aspect of God’s grace known as special grace. This is reserved for those who…

The Coming King

Sermon text: Isaiah 11:1-5 The kingdom of Judah was in a desperate situation. The nation was being threatened with attack by its closest neighbors. The king looked to Assyria, the superpower of the time, for assistance. But the Assyrians could not really be trusted. Into this dire time came the prophet Isaiah. God sent him to the king with a strong message: trust God, not kings. But within this message are three prophecies that looked far beyond the international crisis…

Straight Talk From Jesus

Sermon text: John 10:22-30 Jesus was challenged again during the Hanukkah celebration the winter before His crucifixion. The Jewish people at the temple wanted Him to tell them plainly if He was the Messiah. He had given them abundant confirmation of this in many ways. He had taught them with authority. He had performed many, many miracles. Yet they were not convinced. Their lack of faith stood in the way of them seeing Jesus for who He was. They also…

Up or Down

Sermon text: Philippians 4:10-13 Paul went through a lot in His life after becoming a follower of Jesus. He experienced amazing blessings and bone-crushing defeats. But he learned to be content, regardless of his circumstances. The key to that contentment was his relationship with Jesus. Whether life was going great or not, Paul found his sufficiency in Christ.


Sermon text: Psalm 125 God can be trusted. Not just in the big things, but in everything. He is fully truthful and faithful to His promises. And because He is eternal, there is no time limit on God. Yet humanity usually puts its trust in so many other people and things. But if you place your trust fully in God, you can face this life steadfast and confident. This world will eventually let you down. God never will.

Pleasing God

Sermon text: 1 Kings 3:4-10 Early in his reign as king of Israel, Solomon saw God in a dream. God asked Solomon what He could give the new king. Solomon’s response is the basis of this sermon on pleasing God. We please God when we appreciate His love and mercy. He is pleased when we practice genuine humility. When we recognize our place in His plan, He is pleased. And finally, we please Him when we realize our need for…

The Joy of Giving

Sermon text: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 The church in Jerusalem was struggling mightily. Paul was working on collecting an offering from among the churches in Asia and Europe to help them. The church in Corinth had decided to help, but then had second thoughts. Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians provides four powerful principles for giving. First, you get out of giving what you put into it. Next, giving must be from the heart. Third, our ability to give comes from God.…

No Reason to Wait

Sermon text: Revelation 4 & 5 Why is worship important? Look no further than the throne room of God. Worship is central to the existence of the beings gathered around God’s throne. So if worship is a key aspect of life in heaven, shouldn’t it be here on earth? After all, God is the One who created us and gives us our being. And Jesus is the One who saved us and gives us the hope for tomorrow and eternity.…