Sermons on Lordship (Page 5)
It Starts with the Heart (Mark 14:3-9)
Jesus said that the act of worship recorded in the focal passage would be spoken of wherever the gospel is preached. That’s a very strong statement, which Jesus certainly didn’t make lightly. But it isn’t what was done that captured our Lord’s attention. It was what motivated the action that made the difference. And it’s this motivation that should challenge every follower of Christ.
Hang In There! (Isaiah 35:3-4)
With everything coming at you fairly furiously these days, it’s not hard to get worn out. But even in the midst of your fatigue, you can have hope. Regardless of what’s going on in the world, God’s plan will still come to fruition. Both the Old and New Testament bear this out.
Living By Faith (Romans 1:16-17)
What does a life of faith look like? Pastor Chuck delves into this, challenging us to put our full faith in Jesus Christ.
God’s Priorities (Matthew 23:23-26)
In this world where appearances are so important, it’s easy to overemphasize actions. We can become so caught up in surface issues that we lose sight of what actually is of eternal worth. Jesus makes it clear in the focal passage for today that it’s what is in the heart that really matters.
Jesus is Knocking (Revelation 3:20)
The focal verse is often used to speak of Jesus calling unbelievers to repentance. Pastor Chuck points out that Jesus also calls believers to repentance. When there’s broken fellowship with Jesus, that’s not because of Him. It’s the result of sin and pride in our lives. Is Jesus knocking on the door of your heart?
How You Can Know (Romans 8:14-17)
You can trust God’s promises and His word to know your salvation is assured. But the Holy Spirit also gives witness to the fact that you belong to Christ. A true believer will live a life yielded to the Holy Spirit. In turn, the Holy Spirit reminds you of your adoption into God’s family and your future inheritance.
Trouble Ahead (Mark 4:35-41)
Mark’s account of Jesus calming the Sea of Galilee teaches us a great deal about facing trials in life. We all come up against periods of trouble. God will use these times to teach us and guide us. On the other hand, Satan will capitalize on them to defeat us. But God is greater than our most stubborn obstacles. We can trust him regardless of the situation.
Representing Jesus (James 3:13-18)
While the world seeks to offer us comfort, it actually ends up creating confusion. This is because the world’s system is geared toward self-centeredness. Jesus offers a better way. When you guide your life by His principles, you are able to experience peace. Even better, you can impart that peace to others.
The Way to Pray (Matthew 6:9-13)
Almost everyone has heard of the Lord’s Prayer, and many can recite it. The thing is, it’s really more of a model. In these trying days of COVID-19 a lot of people are praying. But do their prayers line up with the pattern Jesus taught?
Who is Jesus to You? (John 12:12-19)
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that first Palm Sunday, there were many ideas among the crowd as to who He really was. Most were looking for a political leader and deliverer from Roman tyranny. Others wondered how He could alter their personal lives for the better. A relative few saw Him as One who had a more heavenly mission.