Sermons on Lordship (Page 7)
Stingy Grace (Jonah 4:1-11)
God has been so graceful with us. Yet it can be easy to withhold grace to others, especially if they’re not like us. This was the trap into which Jonah fell. He was ready to die before he’d go preach repentance to the people of Nineveh. Can we fall victim to stingy grace today?
My Way or God’s? (Matthew 12:10-14)
Would we be surprised if God wanted to do something completely different? It’s easy to get in a spiritual rut, personally or in the church. That’s never the work of God. Not only is He creative, He created creativity. But we can become very comfortable in our daily walk. Too comfortable. We begin to work God into our agenda, instead of the other way around. But Jesus stands ready to blow up our staid orthodoxy and to breathe His freshness…
Staying Focused (Acts 20:22-24)
God never promised that the Christian life would be easy. Jesus certainly experienced this, as did the apostle Paul. But regardless of the circumstances, we need to keep our eyes on why we’re here. It also helps to realize that God’s mission is bigger than any one person.
Give It All You Got (Mark 12:28-31)
When asked to give the greatest commandment, Jesus answered with a first and second. His simple message was that we are called to love God and love others. We’re to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This means our love and devotion for God will encompass all that we are. Our human relationships should also exhibit a “no holds barred” care and concern.
No More Rehearsals (Hebrews 9:11-15)
God originally commanded Israel to observe the Day of Atonement every year. But with Jesus’ coming and His sacrifice, the Day of Atonement has been rendered obsolete. It is obsolete because Jesus, our High Priest, gave Himself on the cross of Calvary. He alone atoned for the sin of the world. This ushered in a new way of relating with God. No longer would worship only be “skin deep.” Now God would inhabit the hearts of those who put their…
Pay It Forward (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
God comforts us through the trials of our lives. He doesn’t just do this because He loves us, though He loves us mightily. He also does this to empower us to provide that same comfort to others.
The Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13-16)
Jesus intends for every one of His followers to flavor this world with His love. This has always been God’s plan. In order to be salt we cannot be divided in our loyalties. We must give our lives fully to Jesus Christ.
Getting Our Attention (Luke 9:28-36)
Sometimes we just get too caught up in the day to day activities of life. But God will use whatever He deems necessary to get our attention. In the case of Peter, James, and John, Jesus took them on the mountain to see Him transfigured. He wanted to see that they couldn’t just see Him as their teacher. He was much more than that.
What’s Next (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
It’s easy to become concerned about the future. We see this world becoming increasingly more violent and hate-filled. Actions and attitudes that would have shocked most people a generation ago are now accepted and even commonplace. This decline in our society has caused many to wonder what’s coming next. They ask, “Can the end be far off?” The apostle Paul answers that question in 2 Thessalonians. He also gives encouragement to believers in his time and ours.
In God We Trust (Psalm 146)
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of putting your trust in other people. This is even more challenging when politicians are telling you what you want to hear. The promises sound so appealing. But our human limitations make this a risky venture. Instead, we should put all our trust in God. He’s been around forever and He’s the one who created everything. He just may know a little more than that candidate who wants your vote.