Sermons on Salvation
Good Tidings of Great Joy
Sermon text: Luke 2:10-14 Most people, even those who only have a passing knowledge of Scripture, know Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. It’s a moving and powerful recounting of our Savior’s entry into this world as a baby. Within this passage, we see the announcement of the birth to shepherds abiding in the fields. The proclamation made to them by the angel and then the angelic host is worthy of a deeper reflection.
More Than a Light Show
Sermon text: 2 Corinthians 4:6 On the first day of creation God created light. Light dispels darkness. But light and darkness are also used in Scripture to describe good and evil. This means that light is regularly linked with Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul connects all of this in the focal passage. The same creative power God used to bring light into being is at work when someone comes to saving faith in Jesus.
Why We’re Thankful
Sermon text: Psalm 107:1 We all can find much for which we should be thankful. But if you cook it down, the psalmists give us the main reasons to be thankful. We serve Yahweh God, for whom nothing is impossible. Not only that, He’s given us an avenue to have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Yahweh is good, in that He is able to supply our needs. But His goodness also means that He is holy, sinless, and…
Just Love Jesus
Sermon text: Philippians 1:21 We love Jesus because He first loved us. But does that love inform all that we do in serving Him? It’s easy to get caught up in doing kingdom work in our own power. While that doesn’t seem so bad at first blush, it’s not what Jesus wants. The church at Ephesus was guilty of this and Jesus told them they needed to repent. He doesn’t want people driven by duty and religion. He wants followers…
Our Two-Minute Warning
Sermon text: Romans 13:11-14 Jesus could return anytime. Believers generally understand this and even accept it as truth. But what are we actually doing about it? God in His great mercy has held back His judgment so that more people can accept His offer of salvation through Jesus Christ. But to a large extent the church is using this grace period for anything but being about the Lord’s business. Time is short. We must act now.
Completion Guaranteed
Sermon text: Philippians 1:6 Contrary to what many believe, none of us can merit God’s forgiveness. Our salvation is entirely through His grace. Once a person repents and asks Jesus to be their Savior and Lord, the process of Christian maturity begins. This is also referred to in Scripture as completing and perfecting. But we’re not left to do this on our own. God, who started the good work of salvation, is faithful to carry us to maturity. The challenge…
Real Freedom
Sermon text: John 8:31-36 We talk about freedom a lot. But man’s idea of freedom pales in comparison with the true freedom that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Humanity is in the throes of slavery to sin. Unfortunately, people cannot see this reality apart from the truth of God’s word.
Laser Focused
Sermon text: Luke 9:51 Jesus was not caught by surprise when He was arrested in Jerusalem the week after He entered the city so triumphantly. He knew why He was arrested and what the punishment would be. He had told His disciples repeatedly that He would be killed in Jerusalem. He also told them He’d rise again. But for all that He knew He would go through, He was totally focused on completing His mission.
Good News
Sermon text: John 3:16-21 The third chapter of John’s gospel centers on a nighttime conversation between Jesus and the Pharisee Nicodemus. This passage ends with one of the strongest gospel presentations in all of Scripture. There is debate as to whether Jesus said these words or they were written by John. Regardless, they are given to us by God. In these six verses we see the great love of God, the singular sacrifice of Jesus, and the two possible responses…
Peace on Earth
Sermon text: Luke 2:14 When they appeared to the shepherds the night of Jesus’ birth, the angels glorified God. They declared, “And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” People in the western world have gravitated to these words for years at Christmas. But what were the angels really saying that night in Bethlehem? To be sure, it has much more importance than just good feelings.