Sermons on Salvation (Page 4)

On Call (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

We never know when the Lord will lead us to talk with someone about Him. It may with an individual who is searching for answers, or someone who thinks they know everything. He could want to us to correct an erring believer or witness to an unbeliever. Because we cannot know when those opportunities will come, we need to be ready all the time.

The Thin Line of Faith (Joshua 2:15-24)

In the second week of our look at Rahab, the focus is on the clarity of the gospel message. The spies gave Rahab very specific instructions on what she must do to survive the conquest of Jericho. If she followed their directives, she would survive. If not, they would not be responsible for her demise. Similarly, when the Holy Spirit presents the opportunity to witness to a lost person, we need to present the plan of salvation in a clear,…

They Know (Joshua 2:1-14)

Chapter 2 of Joshua focuses on a harlot named Rahab. God would use this woman greatly, but she is introduced in Scripture as a frightened pagan. It’s probably reasonable to say that just about every Christian has a few “Rahabs” in their life. And you can be fairly certain they know a lot more about us than we realize.

What God Expects of Us (2 Corinthians 5:14-17)

Christians are new in Jesus Christ. Old habits and ways of living should be in the past. What should the new life in Christ look like? Pastor Chuck delves into what God expects of those who call on Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Don’t Forget (1 Peter 3:1-10)

Scripture is very clear that many will question God’s promises. Not only that, they will try to convince you to question them as well. But they are willfully ignorant of what God’s Word teaches. God is always faithful to keep His promises. Always. Jesus will return, exactly when He’s supposed to. The fact is, He hasn’t returned because we have more work to do.

How You Can Know (Romans 8:14-17)

You can trust God’s promises and His word to know your salvation is assured. But the Holy Spirit also gives witness to the fact that you belong to Christ. A true believer will live a life yielded to the Holy Spirit. In turn, the Holy Spirit reminds you of your adoption into God’s family and your future inheritance.

Who is Jesus to You? (John 12:12-19)

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that first Palm Sunday, there were many ideas among the crowd as to who He really was. Most were looking for a political leader and deliverer from Roman tyranny. Others wondered how He could alter their personal lives for the better. A relative few saw Him as One who had a more heavenly mission.

Strangers and Aliens (2 Peter 2:11-12)

Christians shouldn’t look like everybody else. Our lives should demonstrate Christ, not the world. But as we lead a life that pleases Christ, we demonstrate His love for us and for others.