Sermons on Service (Page 4)
Finishing Well (1 Peter 4:7-11)
Time is short. Jesus could return tomorrow. If not, we’re still not guaranteed tomorrow. But what if you live another fifty years? Time is still short from an eternal standpoint. We need to be tuned into God’s priorities. We need to align our prayers with His kingdom. And then we need to pour our lives into others.
Prayer First (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
In order to be in tune with God’s will, believers need to pray. It’s really that simple. But prayer isn’t simple. It’s more than just something to do at mealtime or before bed. It needs to be kingdom focused. That’s what Paul describes in today’s text. Christians need to pray for others, but especially for our leaders. And the goal of our prayers is to see those we pray for come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The Thin Line of Faith (Joshua 2:15-24)
In the second week of our look at Rahab, the focus is on the clarity of the gospel message. The spies gave Rahab very specific instructions on what she must do to survive the conquest of Jericho. If she followed their directives, she would survive. If not, they would not be responsible for her demise. Similarly, when the Holy Spirit presents the opportunity to witness to a lost person, we need to present the plan of salvation in a clear,…
What God Expects of Us (2 Corinthians 5:14-17)
Christians are new in Jesus Christ. Old habits and ways of living should be in the past. What should the new life in Christ look like? Pastor Chuck delves into what God expects of those who call on Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Living By Faith (Romans 1:16-17)
What does a life of faith look like? Pastor Chuck delves into this, challenging us to put our full faith in Jesus Christ.
Where We Stand
The church in America sometimes conflates patriotism with Christianity. Believers must always remember our first citizenship is in the kingdom of God. But that doesn’t mean that we cannot love our country as well. Using the most famous sentence from the Declaration of Independence, Pastor Bruce discusses this tension between God and country. Along the way he shows that a Christian worldview helps us understand the intentions of our founding fathers.
God’s Priorities (Matthew 23:23-26)
In this world where appearances are so important, it’s easy to overemphasize actions. We can become so caught up in surface issues that we lose sight of what actually is of eternal worth. Jesus makes it clear in the focal passage for today that it’s what is in the heart that really matters.
How You Can Know (Romans 8:14-17)
You can trust God’s promises and His word to know your salvation is assured. But the Holy Spirit also gives witness to the fact that you belong to Christ. A true believer will live a life yielded to the Holy Spirit. In turn, the Holy Spirit reminds you of your adoption into God’s family and your future inheritance.
Representing Jesus (James 3:13-18)
While the world seeks to offer us comfort, it actually ends up creating confusion. This is because the world’s system is geared toward self-centeredness. Jesus offers a better way. When you guide your life by His principles, you are able to experience peace. Even better, you can impart that peace to others.
Church is Not About You (Hebrews 10:24-25)
The church has often fallen into the modern trap of consumerism. Many attend wanting to know what’s in it for them. But the weekly gathering together of believers has a much different purpose. We are to see it as a time to encourage one another. And between the meetings, we need to make sure we’re connected and connecting.