To see current videos or watch our Sunday sermons live please go to these links.

The Fear of the Lord
The phrase “the fear of the Lord” appears often in Scripture. But what does it really mean? Pastor Bruce explains the meaning of this often misunderstood concept. He then presents seven Proverbs which help us to better understand how the fear of the Lord impacts our daily lives.

Saintly Business
Anyone who given their lives to Jesus is considered a saint by God. Pastor Chuck describes some characteristics of the life of a saint.

Choose God (Joshua 24:13-15)
As Joshua gives his final address to the children of Israel, he challenges them to choose God and to keep Him central in their lives. In this sermon based on Joshua 24:13-15 Pastor Bruce shows that the same challenge exists for Christians in the 21st Century.

Thriving Through the Storm (Matthew 14:22-33)
Matthew’s account of Jesus walking on the water provides valuable lessons to us when we are caught in the storms of life. Pastor Bruce breaks down this passage, encouraging believers to not just survive our trials but to thrive through them.

A Godly Wish (John 14:1-3)
Pastor Chuck explains that God has a wish for every human being, and that Jesus backs this up with four promises.

Make Today Count (Ephesians 5:15-17)
Accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord turns you from a child of darkness into a child of the light. Paul makes it clear in the focal text that children of the light must use the time we have wisely and accurately.

What Matters Most? (Luke 14:25-33)
As Jesus earthly ministry begins to wind down, He challenges His followers with what it really means to be His disciple.

No Gray Area (Matthew 10:32-33)
Jesus makes it clear in the focal text that there are only two ways that humans can continue to go in this life. Pastor Bruce describes what it means to confess Jesus or to deny Him.

Were You There? (Romans 6:5-8)
Charlie Whitcomb describes how the those who believe in Jesus Christ share in His crucifixion and resurrection.

What a Greeting! (Galatians 1:3-5)
The first few verses of Galatians have far more to offer than just a greeting to the original readers.