Sermon Archives (Page 8)

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When God Calls

Sermon text: Judges 6:11-16 God calls people to do all sorts of things. The call could be to a whole new life pursuit or to a short assignment. Regardless of the length or difficulty of the call, God will always be there leading and equipping. Yet we often push back against His call at first blush. God’s call to Gideon shows us some of the ways we do this.

We Can Help

Sermon text: 1 Peter 2:17 In the midst of a fractured world, Christians have an opportunity to bring people together. We have the message of hope that so many need to hear. But the church must separate itself from the rampant shrillness that marks so much of modern discourse. Instead we must value people the way that God does. We must love our fellow Christians. We must fear God and get in line with His plan. And we must give…

Dealing with Sin

Sermon text: Psalm 32 Salvation opens up the avenue to a relationship with the Lord. Sin sullies that relationship and brings the believer grief and sorrow. When sin goes unconfessed, it builds up and makes confession increasingly difficult. But God is gracious to forgive us of our sin when we come to Him in humility.

Your Father Knows

Sermon text: Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is one of the most well-known passages in the New Testament. It also is a serious challenge to His followers. Near the end of the sermon Jesus tells us to ask, seek, and knock. This is not just some random instruction or invitation. It really provides the basis on how we can live the directives of Jesus’ great sermon.

No Matter What

Drew Padilla describes his salvation experience. The persistent efforts of one Christian led Drew to surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Drew also presents a challenge to tell someone about Jesus.

Finding Jesus in the Storms

Sermon text: Matthew 14:22-33 Missionary Andrew Greenplate updates the church on his family’s ministry. He then presents a timely message about looking to Jesus in times of trials. The disciples were intimidated by their situation during a storm on the sea of Galilee. But when they focused on Jesus, their perspective was changed.

Overcoming Temptation

Sermon text: Luke 4:1-13 Every believer faces temptation. Jesus did, and we should expect to as well. We can learn a lot about how to deal with temptation from how Jesus handled it. The core of His success was the filling of the Holy Spirit and the power of God’s Word.

The Disconnect

Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 The world considers God’s plan of salvation to be moronic. That goes for all who believe in it as well. But for those who put their trust in Jesus’ finished work, we know that it is actually the greatest demonstration of God’s power. Unbelievers of every generation mock and question and find fault with Christ and His followers. They put their confidence in shaky religious schemes and sketchy philosophical systems. But their most honored thinkers…

The Need for Clarity

Sermon text: Colossians 1:28-29 Our culture today is anything but clear. So much of what is said is muddy at best. Competing agendas and philosophies are even complicating straightforward concepts like gender and marriage. It’s reasonable to assume that confusion is running rampant. This is why there is such a need for clarity from the Christian community. Our message about Jesus must be clear. We cannot cloud it with wrong motives or unimportant information. People’s eternal souls are at stake.

A Clean Break

Sermon text: Ephesians 4:17-24 The default human condition is alienation from God. This life is marked by spiritual blindness and an appetite for all sorts of sinful thoughts and actions. Someone surrendered to Christ should no longer have these characteristics. Instead, believers should be holy and righteous.